On the hook
On the hook

This prevents undersized fish from swallowing the hook but still allows legal-sized snapper to get caught. Target appendage hooks are simply hooks that have a single wire arm that is attached to the hook via a snell knot and stands proud from the back of the shank. Don’t let the fish run with the bait as this means they are more likely to swallow the hook. If you want to fish with this style of hook, we recommend using large sizes, 7/0 or larger to reduce the risk of gut hooking fish. Rods left in the rod holder usually mean even small fish can eventually swallow large hooks if given enough time. Fishers typically set the hook with a fast sharp jerk on the rod when they feel a bite. They are predominantly in the offset style and they also gut hook fish more often than circle style hooks. These are one of the most common forms of hook used by bait fishers. If in practice you are gut hooking fish because they are hungrily taking down your whole bait (or you happen to encounter larger than usual specimens) then change up in size so that any unwanted fish can be safely released. Smaller mouthed species like tarakihi require 4/0 or larger hooks, snapper 5/0 or larger and blue cod 6/0 or larger hooks. Your choice of hook size will also change depending on the species you are targeting and even the aggression of the fish when you are fishing. There may not be a large difference in size between brands but it is worth noting if you change from one manufacturer to another.

on the hook

Fish will often hook themselves if the fisher simply slowly winds or gently lifts the rod when a fish grabs the bait.Ĭircle hooks don’t have a set sizing scale like other styles and so the size attributed may be different between brands of hook. It may take some adjusting however the rewards are worth it. Unfortunately, this action will usually fail to hook a biting or nibbling fish as the hook must be steadily or gently slid into the corner of the mouth as the fish turns with the bait in its mouth. Many fishers enjoy yanking the rod high to set a hook into a biting fish. When fishing with circle hooks, fishers have to be aware that the strike is different when setting the hook. This measure has been taken to ensure fish released have their best chances of survival. In some South American fisheries where game fishing tourism is a major source of income, it is illegal to use anything except circle hooks when fishing baits. Offset circle hooks are still safer than the suicide or octopus style of hooks and some varieties of offset circle hooks can be straightened into a non-offset shape with a vice or pair of strong pliers. Circle hooks are used predominantly when fishing with bait – either bait that hs been cut up or when using a live or dead whole fish. The data shows that non-offset circle hooks are most effective at lip hooking fish than offset hooks. There have been studies done on the safety and efficacy of both styles of circle hook (predominantly in the game fish fishery). There are different styles of circle hook, i.e. The purpose behind the design of the circle hook is so that the hook slides into the corner of the mouth, lip hooking the fish and so avoiding hooking the fish in the gut. Circle hooks maybe either ‘offset’ or ‘non-offset’. Hook Styles Circle Hooks.Ĭicrle hooks are fairly self explanatory as they are fashioned in the shape of a circle (more so than other styles). Lip hooked fish have a much better chance of survival if handled carefully and quickly released after capture. Harm and subsequent mortality occurs when fish are hooked in the throat, gills or gut. It may take a small change in our approach to how we fish a different style of hook to really do our fishery (and ourselves) a favour. This is important to consider when thinking about what is best for the long term health of our fishery.

on the hook

Some hooks however are better at doing less harm to the fish should the fish need to be returned to the water. Hooks are of course designed to catch fish. The number one reason for their choice – they percieve that hook catches them more fish or perhaps bigger fish than other types of hook.

on the hook

Fisher’s often have a favourite hook they like to fish with.

On the hook